Prior to the course you must be confident in knowledge of the anatomy and palpation of the following regions in preparation for the practical practical sessions on the course:
- Anterior cervical spine
- Anterior lumbar spine/ inguinal region
- Occiput
- Cervical spine
- Lumbar spine
- Thoracic cage
- Anatomy of the lung and pleura
You also need to be confident in all the material in the ASAP Guidelines for Safe Acupuncture and Dry Needling Practice relevant to :
- Principals of Safe Practice
- Management of High Risk Situations
- Management of Adverse Events
- Methods of Reducing the Spread of Infection
You need to be confident in the extended information regarding safe needling in the thoracic region in the article “Iatrogenic pneumothorax: safety concerns when using acupuncture or dry needling in the thoracic region” McCutcheon and Yelland 2011
The guidelines and article are available here for viewing or download.