Range of Motion Technique Reference

This table indicates where you might focus your palpation and Integrated Dry Needling techniques for each  positive Integrated Global Screening result. They are not always obvious and you might note some interesting omissions..There are , of course , many variations and exceptions but this is a good guide fro those starting out.

Range of motion
Primary Down regulateMobiliseDown regulate or mobilise as appropriateSecondaryDown regulateMobiliseDown regulate or mobilise as appropriate
Cervical Spine RotationAnterior cervical spineCervical Facets
Posterior Gleno-humeral Joint Capsule
Upper Limb
Posterior Hip Capsule
Hamstring/Sciatic Nerve Pathway
Cervico-Thoracic Junction
Rib Angles
Thoracic Spine RotationPosterior Gleno-humeral Joint Capsule
Posterior Hip Capsule
Upper Limb
Hamstring/Sciatic Nerve Pathway
Anterior cervical spine
Cervico-Thoracic Junction
Anterior Lumbar Spine/ Inguinal Cervico-Thoracic Junction
Rib angles over costo-vertebral joints 2-5. Look for other peri-structural tissue points in the posterior thoracic cage that are restricted
Gleno-humeral Internal Rotation Anterior cervical spineRib Angles
Posterior Gleno-humeral Joint capsule
Upper LimbCervical Facets
Gleno-humeral External Rotation Anterior cervical spineRib Angles
Posterior Gleno-humeral Joint Capsule
Upper LimbCervical Facets
ULTT1&2Anterior cervical spineRib Angles
Posterior Gleno-humeral Joint Capsule
Upper LimbCervical Facets
Lumbar Spine extension/lateral flexionAnterior Lumbar Spine/ Inguinal L4-S1 facets
Femoral Nerve Pathway and distally
Rib angles over costo-vertebral joints 2-5. Look for other peri-structural tissue points in the posterior thoracic cage that are restricted
Cervico-Thoracic Junction if excessively flexedHamstring/Sciatic Nerve Pathway
Rib angles mid thoracic spine or thoraco-lumbar junction if excessively flexedCalves
Lumbar Spine FlexionAnterior Lumbar Spine/ Inguinal Any "over contributing" areas of the posterior chain in the lumbar spine
Femoral Nerve Pathway and distally
Any "over contributing" areas of the posterior chain-cervical spine to calves other than in the lumbar spine
Any "under contributing" areas of the posterior chain-cervical spine to calves
Straight Leg RaiseAnterior lumbar spine/ inguinal Occiput
Femoral nerve pathway and distally

Rib angles over costo-vertebral joints 2-5. Look for other peri-structural tissue points in the posterior thoracic cage that are restricted
Anterior cervical spineAny other "over contributing" areas of the posterior chain-cervical spine to calves
Any under contributing areas of the posterior chain-cervical spine to calves
Hip Internal RotationAnterior lumbar spine/ inguinal
Anterior cervical spine
Femoral nerve pathway and distally
Any under contributing areas of the posterior chain-cervical spine to calves
Posterior greater trochantur
Hip External RotationAnterior lumbar spine/ inguinal Anterior cervical spine
Femoral nerve pathway and distally
Any under contributing areas of the posterior chain-cervical spine to calves
Posterior greater trochantur

45 ° anterolateral line of femur
Thomas TestFemoral nerve pathway and distally
Anterior cervical spine
Anterior lumbar spine/ inguinal Any under contributing areas of the posterior chain-cervical spine to calves
45 ° anterolateral line of femur

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