May 19, 2018 - May 20, 2018
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Integrated Dry Needling Intensive
The Integrated Dry Needling Intensive program provides a condensed version of what was, for many years, a four-day course, now composed of all lecture material and technique demonstrations online and a two day, practical workshop. It incorporates all the lecture material and techniques previously included in Level 1 and 2 Integrated Dry Needling and Sports Integrated Dry Needling plus additional new clinical reasoning and assessment lecture material.
The online material comprises 12 hours of lecture material covering all the required safety and hygiene, clinical reasoning and screening based testing content and videos of the practical demonstrations which can be reviewed for up to 12 months. The ability to view the practical demonstrations multiple times before the practical workshop greatly enhances participants performance during the practical sessions.
Registration includes attendance at two Skype Q&A sessions in the weeks prior to each practical workshop and an amazing two days of pure practical coursework.
View Online Course Material Covered
View Integrated Intensive Practical Workshop Program